Hello YouTube!

@LynnCobb YouTube channel

Hello PhotoDog friends! Who likes YouTube? It seems that whenever I need to figure out how to do something technical or research a subject, I go to YouTube. From camera reviews to how to navigate my Squarespace website, usually YouTube delivers the right people.

Let me get to the point…I have been a professional photographer for about 25 years years. Recently, I have found myself feeling like “giving back to the next generation of photographers”. I am still doing photography and I find a lot of inspiration in new photographers… the way they see things and enjoy just taking photos of random things - I used to be like that in photography school. So…. I started a YouTube channel last year. I figured if I could help 1-2 people on their photography journey, then that would good.

You can find my YT channel @LynnCobb and I call it The PhotoDog since my goal is to teach photography and talk about my Good Dogs of Service photo project. Have I told anyone about it yet? Well, not until now :)) I know that my first few videos won’t be stellar, but we’ve all got to start somewhere right? Please comment or subscribe so that YouTube knows that “I’m trying” (LOL - aren’t we all?) I hope to do interviews with dog handlers too which will be super fun so stay tuned.

Here’s one of my first videos: Photography for Beginners

Keep looking for the light!

- Lynn


Looking for The Light