Looking for The Light

Have you ever noticed how the softness of a sunset or the brightness of a sunny day makes you feel? I think the same way about light in my photographs. I love the “feeling” of light and how it grazes across an image. If the sun is bright and overhead, you’ll see harsh shadows on the ground. If there are clouds in the sky, you’ll see soft shadows.

Here are a few of my favorite examples of light in my portraits….Typically, soft light is my preference, but I love the sunshine and that it just so uplifting and beautiful especially when used as backlight.

Keep looking for the light!


Meredith. Backlighting by the sun. Senior Portraits by Lynn Cobb Studios.

Morning side light. Business Portraits by Lynn Cobb Studios.

Cainhoy Vet portraits with pets. Open Shade. Business Portraits by Lynn Cobb Studios.


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